
Carp Fair

Karie from Rehash and I (My Green Toy Box) are selling our wares at the Carp Fair this weekend.  We arrived and set up Friday morning.  Karie helped set up the tent and dropped her flaglines and be-lined back home for mom duties, I was the first to man the table.   As I went to park the car, I left our boxes under the tent. It was a windy, cold to the bone day and already a chill was setting in.  With my cute little concession parking pass on the dash of my Honda I walked back towards the tent.  As I approached I noticed a little gathering of people where our stuff was.  As I walked closer I noticed our tent flipped up on it's roof, with it's legs poking up towards the sky.  Those people were helping me get my tent straight up!!! With team work we got things straight!  Everybody was really nice and helped me secure things to the ground. Ant that's our story!  Tomorrow is Saturday and we are back at the table selling our handmade stuff! Come and check it out!

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